C1 Gaming

 Wednesday 18th September 2024

Video Games


To explore the history and context of video games

Do Now:

1. Magazines, social media, gaming, newspaper, film, music, marketing/ advertising, radio

2. You can access the media on the internet,  (in) shops, tv, posters on billboards ect cinema 


- A big industry in the 70s, Atari, develops the table tennis game Pong and the Atari 2600 featuring a joystick,

- Text adventure games


- Nintendo is created bringing us: Mario, Donkey Kong, Pac-man and a Nintendo game boy


- Sega brings us Sonic the hedge hog

-Sony brings the playstation

- world of warcraft, zelda, and tombraider


-Microsoft comes up with the Xbox

-Sims is first introduced

- The Nintendo DS

-Mobile games introduced e.g Angry Birds


-Minecraft introduced


Gratifications Theory:

The theory states that theres one of four reasons people will use the media:

P- Personal Identidy

I- Information

E- Entertainment

S- Social Interaction


Baseline Text

Explain why audiences play video games. Refer to the uses and gratifications theory in your response (12)

The gratifications theory is an idea in which refers to why us, as an audience, like to use the media, from one of four reasons; it consists of (1) Personal identity, (2) Information, (3) Entertainment, and (4) Social interaction.

People might like to play video games in terms of personal identity. You might do it because you feel you express more of yourself online, or you like playing them because it helps you find your own identity. Like, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, people can create, customise, and interact with the things around you giving you the opportunity to express and style the way you like. Another reason is information- you look for intel and real situations rather than fictional scenarios e.g Minecraft helps you understand and or learn how to do a number of different things in a digital format. A lot of people may just like gaming as a form of entertainment, as if for laughter, excitement, fear, drama ect; Life is Strange as an example, its sentimental and gripping story-line keeps you immersed and insistent for more. Social interaction in video games might be if you prefer digital to physical socialising, or you  just like it as a way to interact and have fun with friends (physical or digital) and family; e.g. Fornite is a game where you can team up and or go against your peers in combat.

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Do now:

1. PIES.  Y

2. Information Y                                                            Y= correct

3. personal identity Y

4. entertainment Y

5. social interaction Y

18/9- Great start here with the theory and e.g. T: 1. Cover more of the PIES application to the e.g.- 

( I did the other three areas at home)

1. People can play on mobiles, computers, consoles ect

2. because they are easy to access and with the growing years it becomes easier to play games you'd typically play on a console, pc or computer on a mobile device

3. They have grown in popularity


5. Augmented reality is where you combine the real world with computer-generated 3D content. This content

77% of gen z and gen alpha are console players.

Case study: Fortnite


to research the case study and explore the context of video games 


1. Epic Games is the company that owns and produces Fortnite.

2. Fortnite was first announced in 2011, launched in July 2017

3. It has made 5.63 billion dollars

4. - Fortnite festival, LEGO Fortnite, Fortnite creative, Party Royale

5. Fortnite does not have a legitimate storyline, its a game where all the players on this island fight with the weapons they find scattered around different places, as they all slowly get cornered in the middle of the island by a storm.

6. It is an online, survival game ( Battle Royale), but also has a mix of construction within

7. We see different content made by people who play Fortnite and people who work with Fortnite, sometimes distributing content from a main account ( e.g. Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube ect)

8. You can play solo, duo or squads- which allows over 100 players to team up together


10. Social interaction, personal identity, entertainment, information


- Epic games originally started in 1991 by Tim Sweeney and run from his parents house

Do Now:

1. Tim Sweeney (epic games)

2. 1991

3. online survival with a mix of construction

4. Personal Identity, Information, Entertainment and Social interaction

5. Augmented reality is an interactive experience that combines the real world with 3D computer-generated content. The content can span multiple sensory modalities.

Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Exploring content


To explore the content of video games

BIG question: Do violent video games make people more violent?

1. Prince Harry talking about Fortnite

-" Its created to addict" and made to keep you in-front of a screen

-'should be banned'

I sort of agree, but it can be any game that is addictive; getting rid of Fortnite is just getting rid of one of hundreds of other games in the media that results in addictive players, so I think the idea of banning it may be a little pointless as other games can obviously be made to copycat and or replace it. But he does make a point into how video games can make unhealthy addictions in young people.

2.YouTube channel: Healthcare triage

- Some data shows 'fewer hostile feelings and less depression' 

- That there is 'no link between violence and video games'

-The main point is ' violent video games did create violent thoughts; but did not make you act on them'

I agree with the points he make, violent video games do create violent thoughts but do not create violent actions, just like how a sad book does not stir depression. Although it is also corract that you should not be giving violent and graphic games to very young children; I think this is the fear of normalising violence?

3. Media insider- Bandura and video games

- The test is called 'Bandura's Theory'

- The children aged 3 to 6 playing with bobo dolls

-  The 'Copycat theory'

I agree because it is very true that children and a very young who may have not even started basic schoolwork yet will mimic the actions of people around them, just like how they might with their parents. At such a young age, with no sense of maturity or rational thought yet, copying what they are shown or instructed to them is what they might think they are supposed to do. Although i don't think this applies to all children, especially older and more capable children who can tell the difference between what is wrong and right. 

Do video games create violence?

1. I believe video games can create violence if we're not careful about who we give the to and how much time we take from people by playing it; like in Bandura's theory 

2. The main points for


  1. 18/9- Great start here with the theory and e.g. T: 1. Cover more of the PIES application to the e.g.


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