C1 Magazines

Do Now:

1. Representation displaying something from real life and emphasising it the way something is shown to re-present the world to us 

2. Is it good/ positive?

3. A stereotype is an unfair or untrue judgement based on the characteristic of a group or individual.generalised representation of a person place or thing

4. Three? Two

5. Theoretical Framework:

Media language, industries, representations, contexts and audiences

Friday 20th September 2024


 Tattoo Lover stereotype: Greasy, mean, middle-aged, tattoos that covers most of body, male

Private school boy stereotype: Stuck up, entitled, wealthy family, posh, trust fund

Nurse: Woman, kind, sweet


The teachers and students are represented very positively, they make the school look and sound to have a very healthy atmosphere. Of course there is still stereotypes centered around how the students act e.g. a lot of them are made out to seem a lot like troublemakers, energetic and noisy re-enforcing the stereotype. On the other hand the relationship between the teachers and students are made to seem very positive.

Representations in magazines


to explore the representations found in magazines 

Masthead- establishes visual identity and branding of publication (title)

Cover lines- tells the reader about the other content found inside this issue

Main image- the main visual focus on a magazine

Main cover line- the main story/ content of the magazine

Puff- an eye-catching graphic or text to draw attention

Colour palette- the colours on a magazine ( usually picked out to compliment the theme of the magazine)

Direct address- 'you, your, our ect' is used to include/ draw the reader in

Star vehicle- The 'celebrity' or widely known person, driving the magazine to popularise or profit it 

Do now:

1. The branding of publication- establishes visual identity Y

2. Cover lines Y                                                                             Y= correct

3. A sticker-type graphic to draw attention Y

4. Is it positive or negative Y

5. Stereotypes Y

Friday 27th September 2024

Representations in magazines


to explore the representations found in magazines 

Carrie Underwood magazine representations:

1. Friendly, motherly "At home with Carrie Underwood!" casual

2. Powerful, cool, diva, confident

3. Royal, energetic, kind " Girl next door"- type person.

They are different covers to interest their different audiences, and to of course fit its genre.

Gold Buckle - Issue 3 Features Carrie Underwood: Faith Family & Rockin –  Magazine Shop US

- Friendly

- humble

- mature


The two magazines (of Carrie Underwood and David Beckham) both differentiate in colour- Carrie's being bright pink and David's being blue and dark grey; Carrie has been made to look confident, 'desirable' and eye-catching, while Beckham has been made tough, also confident but in a more encouraging or fearful way, and masculine.

It was made this way so:

- it could fit the genre

- appeal to the reader

Women are represented as these guy-obsessed, beautiful, skinny people; as most of the cover lines tell it to be that way: 'Guys made easy', 'The real secret to sex appeal', ' snack so hard and still drop pounds' ect.

Men are represented as tough, sporty and bold- unlike half of Underwood's cover lines, Beckham's front cover is filled with differentiating 'masculine' topics: ' How one day changed football forever', ' Get the coolest shoes on the planet', 'Bear Grylls joins GQ! With his secrets of urban survival'. Of course you can argue this with the hand placement of his wedding ring to value his wife, and the anti-stereotypical approach of men with the thoughts on fashion and jewellery. 

Do Now:

1. The main cover line will be the second biggest and boldest thing next to the masthead

2. 'you, us, we, our ect '  addressing the reader personally

3. A puff

4. Blue

5. Making a person appear to be like an object- de-humanising something or someone

Friday 4th October 2024

Representation Task


to create magazine covers showing an understanding of representation


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